Monday, June 13, 2011

4 years: Picture Post

Trying Daddy's hat on

Daddy and I tried to make budín (Daddy doesn't like raisins so we only put them on one side)

Unfortunately it came out the consistency of flan.  Oh high elevation baking, you get me again!

I cheated on Rancho Liborio this weekend.  I didn't want to, but the last time I went they were out of Canilla rice AND plantain chips, unacceptable.  This is a Mexican supermarket in Denver.

I like those knuckle tattoos

A customer

So many pinatas

These tubs of rice are even bigger than the ones at Rancho Liborio

Cute little pumpkin cookies in the shape of pigs.  Sadly, Avanza didn't have much in the way of Puerto Rican food products but they did have very expensive Canilla rice so at least I have a backup place just in case Rancho is out again.