Sunday, June 19, 2011

4 years: Father's Day Weekend Extravaganza

This weekend we picked Daddy up from work and surprised him with a Father's Day Weekend Extravaganza.  You had such a hard time keeping a secret from Daddy and as soon as you got into the car you said, "Daddy, we're going to a hotel!!!!!"  Oh, little man, you held it in for as long as you could.

Daddy loves hotels and the 4-star Hyatt Regency in Denver was offering a $25/night room special to commemorate their 25 year anniversary this weekend so it was a match made in heaven.  I'm not the biggest fan of hotels, but staycations are near and dear to my heart as the Rincons were the masters of going to a local hotel for the weekend.  I wasn't really into taking photos this weekend so there's not much photographic evidence of our weekend, but it was so much fun!

We checked into the beautiful room and you cracked open Daddy's giant cookie.

It was din din time, so we put all our stuff away and headed to Greenwood Village for some food.

Here you are trying a pickle for the first time, not a fan.

There was a movie theater that had free popcorn and drinks so we went in and grabbed some popcorn

You love yourself some popcorn


You took some photos of us


Afterwards we headed back to the hotel and went swimming in the pool.  They had a little basketball hoop in the pool as well and Daddy got some shots in.

The next morning we woke up bright and early for a 9am screening of Mr. Poppers Penguins.  We went to a theater in Aurora that also serves food so we had yummie pancakes and french toast while we watched the film.  The penguins were so good and the movie had a good message.

Afterwards you played a few video games in the lobby and then we headed to the Highlands Street Fair.

The Highlands is this neighborhood in Denver that I love.  If we lived in Denver that's where I would want to live.  On Saturday was their annual street fair.  You played in the many bouncy houses, tried out some scooters...

and had your second ever snow cone

Look at those Rice Krispie treats!

It was super hot so we headed back to the hotel to go for a swim, then we went out for din din.  On Sunday we headed to Water World because Daddies got in free for Father's Day and you got in for free because you're under 40 inches (by an inch!) so only Mommie had to pay, yay!  It was a bit cold though so we didn't stay for too long but you had fun with the rapids and wave pool.  Happy Father's Day to Daddy, we love you!