Sunday, June 19, 2011

4 years: Picture Post

Lela Carmen and Papa Cesar sent MOMMIE a Jamba Juice gift card!  A $50 gift card!!  The Jambas I get are $3-4/each so you know what that means, a lot of Jamba!  I've been obsessed with Jamba Juice since 2001 when I lived in Santa Fe and there was a Jamba Juice inside of the local Whole Foods.  I would get some dinner from the salad bar and then get a Jamba Juice as a drink, no wonder I gained so much weight in my year in New Mexico.  Anyhoo, there aren't any Jamba Juice near where we lived before Colorado so when I went to New York City I would get one or I would have Daddy drive me to the one at Boston University when we were visiting the Fernandez familia.  One day we went and they were closed for break and I almost cried.  Luckily, in Boulder there are about 4 near our house so I can get my fix whenever I want.  Unfortunately/Fortunately, you've also become a Jamba fan as well and the day after I received the gift card (which I hid from you), you said, "can we get a purple Jamba Juice?!?!"  Ahhh!! 

Stealing my gift card

You wanted to try the new Berry upBeet smoothie (it has beets, broccoli, spinach, kale, etc.) you weren't a fan (no surprise) so back to the purple

You and me went to Denver the other day to try to get Daddy a gift card for a straight razor shave at the Art of Shaving, his favorite, but sadly the one in Denver doesn't have a Barber Spa...ahh!  We were at Urban Outfitters picking out some other gifts and you asked if you could get some silly bands (when will this trend end?!).  I looked at the price, they were half off, so only $1.00 so I said sure and went back to looking through the clearance racks.  Sadly, I didn't actually look at the type of silly bands they were until we finished paying and you asked me to open the package.  Oops!  You said, "Mommie, what kind of animals are these?"  Bad Mama.

Then we headed to the Little Man for some ice cream.  You had a bambino cone and then we played in the park across the street.