Thursday, June 2, 2011

4 years: Thank you!

Papa Jorgensen and Grandma Mayela sent you some dinero for your birthday so you could buy a birthday gift.  We thought you'd want one big gift (I was hoping you'd want the Playmobil Wildlife play set) but you wanted a bunch of things so we let you pick out whatever you wanted as long as it was safe age-wise and appropriate (i.e. no guns).  This is what you came up with...

Yowza!!  You're really into modes of transportation apparently.  We've hidden everything away in the closet except for the cars and will slowly be taking them out throughout the year.  You're one lucky kid, Mister O.

When we got home it was time for you to eat din din so you opened your cars and did what you always do, lined them up.

Thank you Papa and Grandma!