Thursday, May 26, 2011

4 years: Picture Post

What you've been up to...

Daddy and I started a little Indian food tradition when I was preggers with you.  Every month or so we would get Indian food.  We have always gotten the same thing...aloo gobi, veggie samosas and naan.  The great thing about the Indian/Nepalese place we go to here is that they also include a potato soup that you love.

Why do you always take your naps this way?

I don't know...

We got Titi Tatiana & Tio Raul's wedding invites!

They're so pretty!

You were stealing my yogurt parfait so I asked if you would make one for yourself (I don't like sharing parfait with you because you steal all the strawberries).  Here you are very seriously putting the yogurt in a bowl.

Ready for step 2

Lots of strawberries, no granola

Beam's Mommie gave us this yummie Thai snack

I was in the shower this morning and you came in and asked if you could have some "ham".  I said sure and when I came downstairs a few minutes later you had about 7 slices of salami in your mouth.