Saturday, May 14, 2011

3 years: Mexico 2

Day #2 in Mexico...

You had a very good night's sleep

We headed out for breakfast and ran into these little parrots.  They were having breakfast too, lots of melons.  The resort is an eco-resort so there are animals everywhere.

Every morning for breakfast you wanted cantaloupe, watermelon and chocolate milk.  And that's what you had.

After breakfast we headed to the beach for the first time!

The weather was perfect.

And the water was so blue

Back at the sports bar playing air hockey

There were so many cats!  Here's one lounging in the Elephant bar

Hanging out with your friend Rodrigo

Some burros

Making Mayan blankets

You could snorkel in here (we didn't)

Thank you for the photo, O!

Walking back to the room, Daddy had to take a little siesta

So we headed to the Kids Club because you wanted to play video games

And run around like a crazy monkey

Then we got a snack

Back at the sports bar