It was dinner time when we arrived so we walked to din din. The resort was all-inclusive so there was food everywhere. Lots of drinks too but sadly Daddy and I don't drink.
This is the snack bar, it had food 24/7.
Outside of the Asian restaurant
After dinner you headed to the Kids Club, you were in love with this place.
So pretty! The Kids Club was open from 10am-10pm and we could leave you there as long as we liked. We only left you for about 30 minutes one day, otherwise we stayed and played with you in there.
Pretty flowers everywhere
You didn't really want much dinner at the Italian restaurant so you got a hot dog and french fries from the snack bar
Mommie with a virgin Pina Colada. There were bars everywhere
The snack bar had a soft-serve ice cream machine, you loved it.
Drinking your orange soda by the fountain (we let you drink soda on vacation)
Daddy checking out the cigars
At the Sports Bar, playing Connect 4
Waiting for Mommie's hot chocolate to cool down