Monday, May 30, 2011

4 years: Heritage Square

This weekend we went to the Heritage Square Amusement Park for the first time.  It's in Golden, CO and Daddy had gone there last summer for a summer outing with all the other law school interns at Qwest.  It's a cute little park and you were able to ride most of the rides.

Waiting to go on the Bumper Boats

Daddy was going with you, don't worry

Your first bump

O in jail!

Now the Bumper Cars

And the carousel

You were a little hungry so we grabbed lunch and then this huge popsicle

We had a coupon for free arcade tokens so you got to play this motorcycle game like 3 times.

Then it was time to play mini-golf

Your parentals

Your parentals again

Then it was time for the swan boats

I like to call this portrait, "Sexy Daddy" (Sorry, O)

There were randomly wolves too, you wanted to give them a high-five