Saturday, May 14, 2011

3 years: Mexico 1

On Monday we headed down to Playa de Carmen, Mexico for a nice vacation!  We got up early and headed to the airport.

Nice and wholesome McDonald's breakfast

Waiting at the terminal

On the flight!  We got free DirectTV service so Daddy got to watch SportsCenter

Getting ready to go

You have your ring pop to suck on for the take-off

Playing puzzles with Daddy

Working on the alphabet

You're getting so much better at your letters!

We got a free warm chocolate chip cookie at the end of the flight


And we're here in Cancun!  Waiting on our ground transportation bus

Leaving the airport, look at all those palm trees

Pretty, pretty

After a 40 minute ride we were at our resort, the Sandos Caracol.  You fell asleep on the bus so you were a little cranky.  Here you are waiting to get our bags and go to our room

Our home for the next 4 days

I didn't get to record you going into our room :( but here's a little tour of our room