Saturday, May 14, 2011

3 years: Mexico day continued

On our way back to our room we saw this little cutie...

Look at the pretty whale the maid made!

The view from one of our windows, we're in the jungle!

Another movie night, this time Tinkerbell.  Here you are drinking a smoothie and eating some popcorn, you were in heaven again.

I even got a cafe mocha because it looked so pretty

We dropped you off in the Kids Club and looked around the Mexican buffet

Pretty watermelons

Daddy looking at cigars

Mexican candy

Daddy getting his Mexican corn concotion on

Daddy getting his crepe on

Pinata time!

There's my baby!

There were also other carnival type games, you won this one!

Mommie won this one, we got two hats

I can't remember why your face is blue in this one

So many treats at the gift store

Daddy liked the shape of this Fanta

The resort map, it came in very handy

More ice cream, shocker

Pretty changing rooms