Saturday, June 5, 2010

3 years: People's Fair

Hey little monkey,

Sorry don't have any pictures to prove it but today I think you had a lot of fun. Mommy was volunteering for NARAL at the People's Fair in downtown Denver so we came along to support her and although it cost a lot of money you got to go on a bunch of rides and got a ton of stickers, tattoos and various other stuff people were giving away at tables at the fair.

Since I didn't want to spend any more money and your mother had a few more hours until she was done, I took you to McDonalds and got two happy meals (one for me too) that way you could get two Shrek toys (we saw Shrek 4 recently and you've been into it). Then we went to Barnes & Noble to play with their Thomas train set. Anyhow, we came back and we played with all the kids that live in family housing, doing races, playing red light/green light, and using chalk to draw on the cement in front of our apartment. Sadly, I don't have any pictures to show for all the fun you had because the batteries were dead in the camera, but that's ok.

Hope you know I'll always love you no matter what, and think the world of you, and your mother!

