Tuesday, June 22, 2010

3 years: Mommie's office

Since you got to see what Daddy's office looks like I thought I'd take photos of my office since it wasn't a total disaster for the first time in the last month.  You like taking the elevator to the 4th floor (my floor) and running down the hall to my office.  

Welcome to Mommie's office!

Mommie is official!

Your art gallery!  You're so talented, my sweetie pie


The rest of the wall

My desk

Messy bookshelf


On my desk


View from my desk


Pretty art


My little fountain to calm me throughout the day, you're the little reindeer

I teach leadership so lots of leadership/social justice books


Front of my door...some of your artwork is up here too

This is where the magic happens.  


Looking out into the atrium