Sunday, June 20, 2010

3 years: Denver Pride!

Hi sweetie pie :)

We got up at the crack of dawn to head down to Denver to march in the Pride Parade.  The first time you marched in a Pride Parade was at the Northampton Pride Parade when you were in my belly a few weeks before being born.  

You had a good time but fell asleep halfway through the parade since we had waited over an hour at the parade start before we began.  Hope you had fun sweetie!

Getting ready to march


We were marching with Boulder Pride and they gave us shirt that said "I'm _______ & I'm Out".  You got to fill in the blank yourself with a sharpie so I wrote I'm a Mom


Some of the other Boulder Pride folks

Marching away...Daddy was a good sport and wrote "I'm Tico" on his shirt even though the shirt doesn't apply to him. A few people yelled out Costa Rica! and Pura Vida! when they saw Daddy.  Here you two are at the beginning of the parade.  Marching right behind us was Gays and Lesbians of Latin America...yay!


The streets were packed and here are some folks cheering for us


Halfway through you fell asleep.  How you fell asleep with all the music and screams, I don't know.


Big crowds

  I love the look on Daddy's face