Tuesday, August 26, 2008

15 months: Vacation Photos #1

Packing the night before out big trip. You were sleeping in our room so Daddy took out all of our dresser drawers so we could pack in the living room. What a sweetie!

You woke up at 7:30am on the day of our trip so we got out of the house right on time at about 10:00am for our 12:30 flight. Here you are in the airport parking shuttle. We were worried that Tropical Storm Fay might delay our flight but it was right on time.

Eating before our trip at McDonalds. Security went very smoothly and they didn't shoot little bits of air all over us like they have before.

Looking outside of the windows. We got to board early since we had you and we got a great window sear right near one of the wings.

Windows Windows

And you're out! Thank God for backa-backa-backa. You fell asleep right when we went up into the air and slept for about an hour.

We kept you entertained with a little yoda toy

At the Nickelodeon Hotel! We got a quick shuttle ride over to the hotel and checked in pretty quickly.

You were excited

Nickelodeon characters everywhere

So pretty

Running around like the little crazy monkey boy you are

Always getting into everything

We needed a golf cart ride over to our room since we had so much luggage.

I think this photo says it all. You loved pressing the elevator buttons the whole time we were there.

Your room

You loved it

Getting tickled by Daddy

A little tropical storm couldn't stop us.

We didn't even know who these people were but the kiddies liked them. Actually we still don't know who they are

Back at the hotel room, you watched a little bit of Little Einsteins on the Playstation in your room.

This is why we don't have a TV

This was seriously your favorite thing to do, press the buttons in the elevator

Swan at the hotel's pond

The swans and ducks were surrounded by various Nick characters in the pond

You love climbing into cabinets

At the arcade

Playing skeeball with Daddy

Daddy only missed one shot

Good times

Poor Mister O

The Lagoon Pool, one of the pools at the hotel. That big orange Nick tub has slime in it.

You got to wear a little life jacket in the pool...so cute!

I wanted to take the life jacket home

Sans life jacket at the water park

Dinner at the NickToons Cafe...some Mac & Cheese for Mister O

And a cupcake with Slimey frosting

You ate all of the frosting

They had a bunch of free shows. This was Nick Gone Wild game show.

If you don't like kids this is not the hotel for you

The winner of the game got to get slimed...what a prize