Thursday, August 14, 2008

15 months: Hunger Strike

You've been having a bit of a food strike lately. Now notice I didn't say a backa-backa-backa strike, because you're still nursing like crazy! Food though, you're not into at all lately. I've made you rice and you've said no (shocking!). I made you soup (another past favorite) and you just purse your lips and then say no. I even bought you your uber expensive organic apple yogurt you like and after 1 spoonful you're done (shocking, again!). Luckily since you're nursing I'm not too concerned and it's probably that your teeth coming out is hurting you too much to eat.

These are the only things you've happily eaten in the last week:

1. Goldfish crackers: You're still obsessed with those little smiling crackers. Those things are salty though so you've probably have had enough sodium intake to last you a year this past week.

2. Bananas: These are still a staple since they're nice and soft and you love them. I usually just cut them in half and give them to you and you walk around the apartment wanting to get the banana peel from me so you can eat it. A funny story, Daddy was getting ready for work the other day and was running a bit late since he had washed the dishes in the morning. So he's getting ready and he goes to put his shoes on and feels a weird thing in one of his shoes. So he takes if off and tries again but still feels something. When he looks in the shoes there is a squished up piece of banana and the end of it. How sweet of you little O to leave that for Daddy.

3. Sliced ham: This one was a bit surprising. I had a ham & cheese sandwich at the Elmwood Pastry Shop the other day and you didn't want anything but the ham. Actually you took all of the ham so I actually had a cheese sandwich. You got upset when you finished all 4 slices.

4. Cranberry orange scones: You love these scones from Trader Joe's. You had a whole scone this morning and half of one last night. Who knew?

I hope you're eating again soon sweetie pie. Love you!