Tuesday, August 19, 2008

15 months: Plainville Library

We ventured out to the Plainville Library yesterday to get a book that I can't name at the moment but it's very good. You loooove libraries. I think you'd live at a library if you could. Especially if one had a water park in it. Then you'd definitely live there. You love playing in the children's area and then taking all the dvds down from the shelves. What a sweetie pie.

There are a couple of stationary pegs in here that always get you upset because you can't move them. You start grunting and look at me like I can do something about it.

Showing me how much you love to spin that ball

Seriously who took my baby away and replaced him with this toddler person

When your Daddy is not around I let you do all kinds of unsafe things like this