Monday, August 4, 2008

14 months: Raul Jr. Baptism

We had a nice weekend up at the Fernandezes for your cousin Raul Jr.'s baptism. Raul Jr. is so big now! He's your size and he's so much younger than you. Crazy! You however were cranky all weekend since you hardly got any sleep. Poor Mister O.

Here you are trying to steal Lela's food

Sharing toys with Raul Jr.

Your Daddy & I went out on a date

We had a crepe on a stick! Yummies

Oh urban life

How I miss thee

Daddy's street

Le father talking at Raul Jr.'s baptism

You were listening intently for about 1 minute

There goes Raul Jr.!

Standing to see him

Daddy listening intently

Trying to keep you entertained & quiet

You love cuddling with Daddy

Daddy's elementary school

Your parentals

The cousins!

Your grandparents

You were on cranky overload

Time to go home