Wednesday, August 27, 2008

15 months: Stop watch

Good morning my little pet. :)

I'm up as I usually am at this time since Mama needs some alone time every day and this is the best way to get it. Anyhoo, I'm sitting in the living room and just a moment ago your stopwatch went off. Have we told you about your stopwatch? I think we got it originally to time my contractions or maybe not. I can't really remember at this point when we got it, I'll have to ask Daddy. Anyhoo, we ended up using it after you were born to time the minutes you would nurse. We were a bit pragmatic and crazy about it at the time because we were told in the hospital that you had to nurse 15 minutes on each side every 2-3 hours to get rid of your jaundice. So we would set the alarm and wake up and as soon as I got you to latch on Daddy would start the stopwatch and then we'd write down exactly how many minutes you nursed on each side in this little notebook. We also wrote down each time you pooped and peed and who knows what else. Probably how many times you yawned or blinked or something. When we went to your pediatrician appoinments he would ask us how many times you nursed a day and we had an exact figure. So crazy! So much has changed since then and we're a lot more chill about things. It was so sweet though how your Daddy would get up each time I had to nurse instead of just sleeping. You have the best Daddy Mister O and I love him so much and I love you too my little monkey.
