Thursday, August 28, 2008

15 months: Obama!

Hi sweetie pie!

Barack Obama accepted the Democratic nomination for president tonight. Maybe you'll be able to say that you saw the President when you were less than a year old. Lovely!

15 months: Veggie Booty

You're currently addicted to this:

You'd eat it for breakfast, lunch and dinner if we let you

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

15 months: Caricature

We got a free 5x7 at the Nickelodeon Photo Studio. You didn't want to smile in any of the photos.

Your you think it looks like you?

15 months: Stop watch

Good morning my little pet. :)

I'm up as I usually am at this time since Mama needs some alone time every day and this is the best way to get it. Anyhoo, I'm sitting in the living room and just a moment ago your stopwatch went off. Have we told you about your stopwatch? I think we got it originally to time my contractions or maybe not. I can't really remember at this point when we got it, I'll have to ask Daddy. Anyhoo, we ended up using it after you were born to time the minutes you would nurse. We were a bit pragmatic and crazy about it at the time because we were told in the hospital that you had to nurse 15 minutes on each side every 2-3 hours to get rid of your jaundice. So we would set the alarm and wake up and as soon as I got you to latch on Daddy would start the stopwatch and then we'd write down exactly how many minutes you nursed on each side in this little notebook. We also wrote down each time you pooped and peed and who knows what else. Probably how many times you yawned or blinked or something. When we went to your pediatrician appoinments he would ask us how many times you nursed a day and we had an exact figure. So crazy! So much has changed since then and we're a lot more chill about things. It was so sweet though how your Daddy would get up each time I had to nurse instead of just sleeping. You have the best Daddy Mister O and I love him so much and I love you too my little monkey.


Tuesday, August 26, 2008

15 months: Vacation

Last second trips can be rewarding and sometimes stressful and ours was both. What was most rewarding was seeing the face of Octavio brighten up as we did different activities such as going on rides at Magic Kingdom, playing skeeball in the hotel arcade, going down a water slide at our hotel, or just running the elevator to push the button to call it. What was stressful was not so much the vacation as was the last second planning of it especially with my work being so crazy as of late but whatever stress there was before hand was well worth it as I for one loved this vacation and think O and Mama enjoyed it as well. This isn't to say that there weren't some tense moments like when Octavio didn't know whether to be scared, nervous, happy or excited at any number of rides at Magic Kingdom. Take for example his first ride, the Dumbo ride. Our well prepared plan was to get to Magic Kingdom and make a b line to the Dumbo ride and with any luck the wait would not be too long. Well, after getting up at the crack of dawn, taking a shuttle to the transportation center and then a monorail to Magic Kingdom only to decide to turn around and head back to the hotel. Things started off kind of rough. It also didn't help that it was pouring out and that O seemed more tired than ever. But after a few hours at the hotel, some sleep by the little guy, some food in our bellies, and the weather seemingly cooperating on our plan to make it back to Magic Kingdom, we ventured back to Disney and were rewarded with short lines and nice weather and a great time by all.

Back to the Dumbo ride, O seemed kind of excited at first but as soon as that Dumbo car went up in the air, he didn't know what to make of it and got pretty nervous. Can't blame the little guy as I'm sure it was weird for him. There were a couple of other "children" rides we went on that had their hairy moments and it seemed what O liked most were not the rides but rather the shows such as the Country Bear Jamboree and the Tiki Bird Bar and we can't forget, the Monster's Inc. show, which was my favorite by far.

O was so cute at Disney. He even took a nap during our time there which wasn't that bad given that we were hungry and it allowed Mama and I to take a break.

Back at the hotel, from the moment we got there I was excited to see our room and all the entertainment available at the hotel. O had his own room, not that he ever used it much, but it was still nice. I think he liked the painting of SpongeBob. He even gave Patrick a hug or someone dressed as Patrick in the mall of the hotel.

People were friendly. There were plenty of kids running around and having a good time. O wasn't too big a fan of the pool but did like the spray parks and also had a good time at the arcade where your Mother and I discovered that Dance Dance Revolution is pretty tough. Naturally, basketball wasn't too bad and your mother fared pretty well in Deal or No Deal and after spending who knows how much, we got some Dora Dominoes out of it of which you've lost a handful already and maybe even eaten or thrown away a few.

I can't forget the infamous timeshare presentation. I was caught getting tickets for a Nickelodeon show and lured into agreeing to this timeshare presentation in exchange for a $100 gift card for the hotel. One, mind you, that had more restrictions than NAFTA but was still worth it. The timeshare property was pretty nice and if I had unlimited resources I probably would have hopped all over it. But given our one income family and limited resources, timeshares are not on the agenda anytime soon. It also didn't help that after saying no numerous times to many different offers and O having a diaper situation during the presentation that I was happy to head back to the hotel. No means no, remember that little guy.

Another big plus to the trip was the smooth and effortless transportation to and from the airport and hotel that set the tone for a great trip to start and nicely concluded it as well. How did anyone ever live without shuttles and valet parking before? After 5 days away, I think you more than any of us missed our apartment as no more than 1 minute had gone by before you were playing with your toys like you had never left and making a huge mess just like old times.

While I'm sure you'll never remember this trip in the years to come, I'll never forget it and hope it's one of many our family will take and enjoy.


15 months: Vacation Photos #3

More vacation photos...

We were having lunch when we saw Patrick come out

You really liked him

He was on the wallpaper in your room

So cute!

You look too cute, even when you're cranky

You're not sure about those mouse ears

SpongeBob running away from us

We got a caricature of you done

The artist made you laugh a lot

Saying hi to Dora

La familia

Apparently you don't like Blues Clues

Pretty palm trees

In the pool with Daddy

Swimming swimming

You really liked this slide

These scared you a bit

You really liked this but kept slipping on it

Down the slide with mama

The hotel required that children 4 and under wear these swim diapers in the pools. Since your trunks were still wet from the night before we let you go in the pool in just the diapers. You look like a little Sumo wrestler in these!

You made friends with this

You were still scared but you were okay

Time to pack and go home

Our shuttle got us to the airport mad early so we looked at the planes for a bit

Maybe you'll be a pilot

I love this photo of your Daddy folding up your stroller

15 months: Vacation Photos #2

Heading to the Magic Kingdom. It was so humid! Lots of the photos came out like this

Waiting for the shuttle

We made it to the Magic Kingdom! But it started raining hard so we actually headed back to the hotel and tried again later in the day.

Daddy got one of those huge rice krispie treats

At Lego Land

Having lunch at the're the cutest monkey ever

Before going on the Dumbo ride

Winnie the Pooh's treehouse

Not looking good

Daddy liked your hair here

Shortly into the ride you started saying backa-backa-backa and looking over at me. Poor Mister O!

At the Phillharmagic 3D show

The Unofficial Guide to Disney World with Kids suggested we didn't give you the 3D glasses because it could scare you so you didn't get any but we did. It's a good look, eh?

Heading to It's a Small World

You were quite entertained or overstimulated, I'm not sure which

Taking a nap while we have dinner

And you're awake again! On the jungle cruise


The little elephants were so cute!

At the Tiki Bar

You were really into these little talking parrots

Really really into them

You're my little prince