Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Week 32: Christmas

This is how you spent your first Christmas...

We went to your Daddy's old job on Christmas eve morning to show you off (everyone said you looked exactly like Daddy)

It was your first time on the T and you quickly fell asleep

Then we went to have lunch (you love high chairs now)

Then it was time for Noche Buena festivities at your Abuelita's house
(you loved the Christmas tree)

Dressed up as Santa O again

What your parents are looking like these days

With Tio Ray

With Titi Lucy

A stocking for you and Raul, Jr!

Playing with Papa

Abuelito getting ready to hand out the presents

You loved opening your presents

So you could eat the wrapping paper

So many nice clothes for Mister O!

Playing with your toy

Tio Toti & Ryan

Naked baby!

Playing in Titi Krysten's room

Christmas day with Papa Cesar

Looking at the birdies

Back home Christmas night (you used to fit in this basket)