Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Week 31: What a life...

Every morning I go to work and leave you and your Mommy sleeping next to each looking so cute! I say goodbye to the both of you and kiss you both, only you stay asleep when I do so and your Mommy doesn't. All day I think about the two of you and love it when your Mommy sends me pics of some stuff the two of you have been doing.

Once I'm out of work I rush home to hold you in my arms and kiss your Mommy! And then there just aren't many hours in the night where I can play with you before you go to sleep and I'm stuck waiting until 6pm the next night.

During the day your Mommy tells me in addition to nursing and sleeping you mostly have fun with her playing all kinds of games. If you ask me since you've been staying home I think things are much better! You seem happier, healthier, and cuter than ever!

There's no price you can put on the security I feel while at work that your Mommy is taking good care of you, something no matter where you were in daycare I could never feel. Just yesterday I overheard a co-worker talk about a child falling in daycare off of a sofa and needing staples in his head because of the injury. I don't have to worry about that with you staying at home with Mommy.

I also am excited because your Mommy now gets to spend some quality time with you and bond with you. She also seems real happy now.

So I guess there just isn't much bad I think about with regards to our decision to pull you from daycare and have your Mommy take care of you, and if there is something negative it is minuscule compared the positive of the move. What a life you have little guy. What a life. I love you so much and have so much fun just holding you and looking at you.

Chat later O.

