Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Week 31: El Conejo!

That post your Dad wrote yesterday about feeling comforted by the fact that I stay home with you had me laughing for hours, little O. If only he knew the trouble we get to every day. Like today for instance when you were reading your favorite book (and of course eating its string) and then it fell on you sending you into a tizzy. And how when I was nursing you this morning a feather from our down comforter fell on my chest and somehow fell in your mouth but you wouldn't let me get it out so you swallowed it. Or how I terrorize you with spanish words all day in a weird voice..."el conejo!" "la nariz!" "chocolate!" I swear I must have tourette's syndrome.

I let the weird spanish voice slip out yesterday while we were all driving home yesterday. Your Daddy said it scared him. You love it though (I think).

The funniest part of our day though is when Daddy gets home. I have to start acting normal again. All day you're my captive audience and I do all kinds of weird things including acting like a horse (I actually have a whole farm animal repertoire). Sometimes you laugh, but most times you just look at me. You're so much fun sweetie! It's like having a toy, best friend, and pet all at once. I love you!
