Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Week 30: Your "schedule"

Have I mentioned how great it is to stay home with you little O?

It's so different to stay home with you now than it was when you were 0-3 months old. You can do so much now! You can entertain yourself for periods of time so I don't always have to be holding you which means I can do things like take a shower which I didn't have the time or energy to do before. You can sleep somewhere else besides my chest and you don't nurse as much. I also usually get a good night's sleep now which makes things much easier.

This is what your "schedule" is like these days when we're at home:

The minute that I wake up you wake up. It's very cute. This is usually 8am-9am

You usually wake up really happy and if you don't need to nurse right away I bring you over to the changing table and we change your diaper since by that point it hasn't been changed for 10 hours.

We'll nurse for a little bit and you'll babble and then it's off to start our day.

I'll change you into clothes and then I put you in your playard to play with your toys while I go to the bathroom.

I come back out and we play around a bit, listen to music, read a book or just hang out.

Around 10:30am you'll start rubbing your eyes so we'll nurse again and I'll put you in the mei tei so you can go to sleep.

This nap usually lasts 30-45 minutes and then you're up. Usually you wake up from this one happy and will lay in bed for a while before saying anything.

We'll nurse, I'll change you again and then we'll go back to playing.

Around noon you start getting sleepy again but you don't like going to sleep around this time so I put you in the mei tei and we listen to music until you fall asleep. This nap is a little longer, anywhere from 1 to 2 hours. You usually don't wake up happy from this nap and want to nurse right away.

You'll wake up and we'll hang out again and usually around this time I'll put you in the kitchen with your discovery gym and you'll play while I clean up or make something to eat.

At some point you'll take another nap. Sometimes it's right before we have to pick up Daddy so I have to wake you up. I don't like waking you up. You look so sad.

We pick up Daddy at 5:30pm.

Daddy comes home and we make & eat dinner. He usually plays with you for a long time and then you start rubbing your eyes around 6:30pm.

You're usually in bed around 7:30pm and only wake up to nurse throughout the night.

You still nurse like 3 times a night but we're both asleep so that's good.

And then we start all over again.