Monday, December 3, 2007

Week 29: Last Day of Childcare

Friday was your last day in childcare. Everyone was sad to see you go little one.

I always parked somewhere in this loop

The entrance to the infant room

Going away message

Your primary teacher, Kim

You usually slept naked or with a onesie on

The main room (they changed the set up of this every week)

Your clothes and diaper baskets

Your take home baskets

View of the infant playground

Your fridge baskets

Your freezer baskets

You really liked tugging on that green fabric. I nursed you in that rocking chair every day.

A little hang out section

You liked hanging out in that little cubby hole

Pictures of the babies!

You really liked this butterfly mobile

You weren't really into the kitty cats

Your coat hooks

On our way home...yay!