Thursday, January 15, 2009

20 months: Wow, the times does go by fast!

20 weeks old. That's how old you are now, you turned yesterday. You run around (quick too) climb up on everything (lately the table in the living/dining room has been your favorite), want to eat very little that isn't ice cream and hate to go to sleep (just like Daddy).

It's funny because while I'm talking about your sleep, or lack of it, I think I should tell you that I don't know what I'm going to do when you sleep in your own bed/crib? While having a little more space and alone time with your Mama is always desired, I will miss cuddling you at night and waking up on the weekends to your hugs and kisses. The last few nights you've been climbing up on my chest to go to sleep (so I've been told because I've been so tired I don't realize it!), and will miss this too.

I hope you know how much I love you O.

In other news, we had a nice time this past weekend, at Foxwoods. We got a great deal on a room and it was nice to get away from the real world and go to a hotel (I love hotels!) and just relax. I even won $45 playing blackjack (don't gamble, and don't read this until you're my age to temp you to gamble) for the first time. Your mother had a nice alone moment taking a bath and reading a book and wish she had more time like this because she does so much for you and I that I worry she'll burn out from everything.

We've been taking you to the local library in West Hartford a lot since you can run around and play with plastic food and little trains and whatnot in a designated child area, probably go there tonight actually.

Oh and your mother and I have been training for a 5k, and your mother in particular has been doing a great job of staying on top of her training. I started this 100 pushup challenge and the other day did 43 consecutive pushups, so getting close to halfway to my goal.

What else? I've been waiting to hear good news from potential law schools, and can't wait to hear I got into any one of the million I applied to, because then I'll at least know I'll be attending law school somewhere this fall., hopefully somewhere warm.

Well, sorry I haven't written in some time, make no excuses, or promises but hope to write more often now. Love you tons and while I get sad to see you grow up so quick I get excited about what more we can do together. Trips hiking, playing sports, shopping, going to the movies, can't wait for them all to come true O. You're the best son a father could ask for and I'd do anything for you little man.
