Friday, January 23, 2009

20 months: Kisses

All you want to eat these days (besides backa-backa, that is) are Hershey's Kisses. A year ago this would have greatly concerned me but as a mama of a crazy twenty month old it doesn't seem to be bothering me much at all. things have changed.

In other news, training for this 5k is kicking mama's bootay. Your Daddy has left my training group (we're put in groups by our experience, age, ability, etc.) and is now in the more advanced 201 group so he's training for a 10k or half marathon or something...which means more running for him...mwahaha! But he loves running so that's aokay. He's so cute in his little running clothes too. He wears this little red hoodie that makes him look like this:

Hehe...just kidding!

More like this

Anyhoo, we almost died this past weekend. You had a bad stomach bug and were throwing up and pooping everywhere and then you gave it to us and we ended up doing the same thing. Luckily we were over Lela Mayela's house and she took good care of you for days while we laid in bed. Thank you Lela Mayela! Feeling much better now though. At certain points throughout the weekend, mostly when I was throwing up uncontrollably I was reminded of May 13th and 14th, 2007. Yes, the time I was in labor with you. Ahhhh!!! To think that I'll (hopefully) have to go through that again at some point...shivers down my spine I tell you, shivers down my spine.

Well, we have to go clean before Daddy gets home. You help me put the laundry in our amazing built in laundry basket contraption thing in the bathroom. Bye for now my sweetie pie. Mama loves you!
