Sunday, January 25, 2009

20 months: Sleep training is horrible

Today is night 3 of hell sleep training at the Octavio household. As I type this you are crying in the next room. :(

We decided it was time for you to make your way over to your own bed so we started helping you sleep in your crib on Friday night. It did not go well. You cried and screamed and cried and screamed for hours. You would start to calm down and then start all up again. Eventually you fell asleep though and would wake up every hour or so but put yourself to sleep. Needless to say you didn't sleep very well and neither did I.

It's been so sad to not have you in bed with us. I love waking up to your sweet little face. I like not having to worry about you since you're right next to me every night. In fact, since you were born, I think the number of nights that you haven't slept right next to me is 6 or 7 times. 5 of those nights were when we were at the hospital and they had you in the bassinet. So sad. :(

We're going to keep trying though. I know you can do this sweetie. I love you!
