Thursday, January 29, 2009

20 months: $$$

Yesterday we spent $100 on diapers and wipes. Yes, on DIAPERS and WIPES. Target had the diapers and wipes you use on clearance and so I went a little crazy and got 4 boxes of diapers and a box of wipes -- total, with tax was $102.52. Crazyness!

I actually wanted to get 5 boxes of diapers but I thought your Daddy would think I was a little crazy. I thought that if I only got 4 boxes that he would think that was aokay. But apparently 4 was too much because he does think it was a bit crazy but I hate being out of diapers and you're going to use them anyway and they were on clearance and now hopefully we don't have to buy diapers from CVS.

CVS is my arch nemesis. We live less than a mile away from a CVS that is open 24 hours so we can hit them up if you're out of diapers at, I don't know, 3am. However, I don't like buying them at CVS because, and don't let those extra care bucks fool you, as someone who used to shop there all the time (in fact, Lela Carmen used to say that I should have stock in the company because I was there so much) and also as someone who worked there I know that CVS is horribly horribly overpriced. Also they usually only have a small pack of your diapers so not only are we out of a lot of moula but we're back at square one in a few days again. Ahhhh!

Anyhoo, you now have 416 diapers and 700-something wipes sitting happily in the closet. I hope once we're done with these we can start potty training. Hopefully that won't be soon though. I love you sweetie pie!
