Monday, January 14, 2008

Week 35: Johnny Rockets

We went to Johnny Rockets for the first time yesterday. We thought it would be okay for you but as soon as we sat down all the servers started singing/screaming R-E-S-P-E-C-T really loudly right by our table. I don't know if you're not into Aretha or if you were just scared but you didn't like it one bit. You stared at them looking horrified and then starting crying right when they were finishing up. Poor little O! We won't be going back anytime soon, no worries.

Here they are...singing/screaming mere feet from our table

First you look intrigued...what is this racket?

"I'm about to give you all my money...and all I ask in return, honey..."

You quickly go from intrigued to disgusted

Daddy trying to distract you after it was over

At least the ketchup is happy

Daddy trying to get you to laugh so I can get a photo of your two bottom teeth

Good job Daddy!

Back to your favorite pastime

And all is right in the world again