Saturday, January 12, 2008

Week 34: Sweet pea

Hi little O!

Sorry I haven't written to you for a while. We were busy with the move and then settling in at Papa Cesar & Lela Carmen's house. It's so nice here little O. We're so lucky that they're letting us stay with them for a little bit. Thank you to them!

Your schedule, or lack thereof, has been a bit crazy lately. Some nights you've been up from midnight-9am. Wide awake and wanting to play with us the whole time. Silly O! Things are starting to get better though *knock on wood*. Yay! Remember, Mama needs her sleep. She doesn't function well when she's sleep deprived.

You've been changing so much lately. Just today you started to get on all fours like you're getting ready to crawl. It's so cute. You're moving so much these days by rolling around and stretching.

Things you love at the moment: Playing with the window blinds in our bedroom, playing with a floor lamp in our bedroom, playing with Papa Cesar, and pulling the cord of the ceiling fan in the family room.

Papa Cesar gave you pieces of a clementine today and you loved it. You sucked on it forever. So we can add tangerines to the list of foods you've tried. So far you've had sweet potatoes, bananas, applesauce, rice cereal, mashed potatoes, and rice. That's a lot but you're still breastfeeding 99% of the time. I gotta work on that.

Well sweetie I love you so so much. I hope you have sweet dreams tonight.
