Sunday, January 6, 2008

Week 33: Settling in nicely

So a week has gone by since we moved in with your Mommy's family and so far things have gone great. I knew before we moved there would be sacrifices we'd be making, but to be honest it seems like everyone else is sacrificing and I feel quite comfortable living with your Mommy's familia. Everyone is doing so much for us that I hope you see the efforts people are making to see what having a family is all about, caring for one another.

The move wasn't that bad. It was hard packing everything up but unloading everything with the help of Papa Cesar and Titi Jomaira made things so much easier. It also was quite handy that we got storage where we dropped off the truck and I've been slowly trying to empty what we have in storage little by little to have it completely empty in another three weeks. The great thing about the storage is first off that it was free and secondly that it's real close to our new home O.

Oh and I started my new job! It was a rough first day, they had every minute of my day planned but I think I'm really going to like my job and am real happy with it.

Right now I'm putting you to sleep while your Mommy gets some food at the supermarket. We make such a great team your Mommy and I. The last two nights is a perfect example of our good teamwork. You woke up real late both nights and were up until six am! We took turns staying uo with you to play with a wide awake Octavio. Oh how can I forget to mention I think you are stretching out a bit, which is good because it might make it easier to hold you!

Anyhow, got to run but chat more soon. Hope you like it in your new home, I know everybody loves having you live here.

