Saturday, January 12, 2008

Week 34: Lela Carmen!

Guest post from Lela Carmen:

Dear Little O,

The Christmas season is coming to an end, but Papa Cesar and I received a beautiful gift this Christmas, you!!! You see, you moved in, along with your mommie and daddy, a week ago. You have filled our home with joy. I can hardly wait to get back from work to play with you and just see your cute face. You've taken a special liking to Papa Cesar. All he has to do is look at you and you give him your best grin.

Last Sunday, January 1st was your cousin Jalil's birthday. He had a small party with just family. Jalil received some great gifts. He's a very lucky boy to get such nice things. Some children aren't able to receive gifts so we must always be thankful for what we receive.

You received a some toys for Christmas, too. You still seem to really enjoy playing with the blocks that Titi Lisa gave you.

Your daddy started his new job today. I'm sure he'll tell you about it.

Well Little One, I am so happy that mommie, daddy and you are living with us. The house "has to alive!" Oh, by the way, daddy is very helpful. He is always trying to lend a hand.

May God continue to bless all of you greatly.

Much love,
Lela Carmen