Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Week 17: More Gender Thoughts

Another night of thinking about whether Mommie and I should find out the sex of the baby, and not much has changed from my original view that we shouldn't find out. From early on I didn't want to find out, and this view was much easier to deal with when my partner felt just as strongly as I did about not finding out. Now that Mommie is turning the corner and leaning more and more to wanting to find out, I find my self questioning my position on the issue all throughout the day, every day. I'd say I'm still heavily in favor of not finding out and having what might possibly be the best surprise one can have, although coming back from the bathroom to bed in the middle of the night and finding snoogle had replaced me in the brief period of time I left Mommie alone in bed was quite surprising as well! If I had to put my feelings in to numbers, I'd say I'm easily 75% or more in favor of being surprised and not finding out. Maybe my feelings will change in the future? Tune in for new results...
