Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Week 16: Daddy Duties

Another day of classes over with, almost one day closer to being a daddy. Being a daddy, pa, papi, dad, anyway you say it it sounds equal parts exciting and nerve wrecking. ME partly responsible for raising a child in this crazy world? If I haven't figured things out myself after 28 years who am I to try to help a child figure things out? I guess it's reassuring that it is precisely this knowledge that is most important to teach to someone else, you never fully "get it" in life. Excited to be a role model more than anything about being a daddy. Don't view this as any added pressure, but rather an opportunity to lead by example, treating my partner and everyone else in this world with respect regardless of color, race, age, gender, sexual orientation, etc... Plus think I got it much easier than most prospective fathers, with a GREAT partner to share this responsibility with. Keep thinking about having baby fall asleep on my chest as I go to sleep, Kodak moment if there ever was one right? Still outlining for finals got next week, so gotta run. See you soon O, or Bella, love ya.
