Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Week 16: Long Distance Blues

I've been away from Mommie and O less than 30 hours and it feels like years! In school when I'm supposed to be listening, I can't help my mind from wandering to thoughts about what the future holds. O's first words, hopefully Dadda, lol, first steps, and can't forget those first soiled diapers. I hope O takes to breast feeding, I think there's something beautiful about a baby receiving nourishment from her/his mother. Speaking of nourishment, boy is Mommie big, can't wait to see what a few more months will do to her belly! Watch out world, here she comes, make way! I miss Mommie and O tons and having a hard time at school away from them. Not to mention I have to worry about snoogle ("Worm") moving in on my partner while I'm away! Finals aren't coming quick enough, just trying to get through this tough period because I know the reward, being with my partner and expected child, is well worth it. Daddy misses you O, and you too Mommie. Be there soon, I promise.

- Pa
(16 weeks, 5 days)