Friday, December 31, 2010

3 years: Trip to New Jersey II

We decided to go to Chili's in Paramus to have din din and meet Titi Jomaira's new friend, Mario.  Big mistake!  It was only a few miles away but took us hours because the traffic was so bad.  I've never seen anything like this in my life.  There wasn't even an accident or anything, just regular traffic.  Even worse, we were running out of gas so it was a very stressful trip.  Luckily you slept through much of it.

Traffic everywhere!

Titi Jomaira and Mario found a cute little place to eat because they wouldn't let us into the mall where the Chili's was located.

Mario, Titi Jomaira and Lela Carmen eating away!

You were a little crazy during dinner (big surprise).

La familia!

La familia with me!