Friday, December 31, 2010

3 years: Trip to New Jersey I

We all went to visit Titi Jomaira in her new home in Paterson, New Jersey!  Titi Jomaira is doing Americorps and teaching Adult Ed down in Jersey, good stuff!  Papa Cesar, Lela Carmen, Mommie & Daddy packed up and headed down on the 2 1/2 hour drive.

We got there right for Titi's lunch time so she was able to give us a tour.  She's only in the office on Fridays but the community college where she works at was closed this week.  This is her desk where she does her work.

Her in/out chart

Where she works

It was freeeezing and it had snowed 2 feet so we quickly walked over to a cute little Puerto Rican restaurant in the neighborhood, Rincon Criollo.  We cleaned up all of our plates!

Titi had to go back to work so we headed to the Botanica that Titi Margie owns.  This is Titi Margie with Lela Carmen in the store.

After the Botanica we headed to Tia Rosa's house.  Tia Rosa showed us her wedding photo from 70 years ago!

So pretty!  She was 19 and her hubby was 21.

They gave you lots of yummie snacks while you tried to dodge Cousin Michael's little shih tzu, Toby.

Papa Cesar looking at the journals of Cousin Blanca.  She writes tiny so she can fit a lot on one page.

Cousin Blanca looking through her journals.

La familia!

Cousin Michael!

Titi had gotten out of work so we headed over to her place (only a few blocks from Tia Rosa's house).  Titi found a parking spot for us and then we walked over to her apartment.

We're home!

Titi with her I Love Lucy and Spice Girls stuff.

Her bed

Trying to figure out where to eat that night.

Playing a game with Lela.