Sunday, December 5, 2010

3 years: Coconut & Chocolate

Mommie was craving coconut and chocolate after yoga class today (today was day #21 of my self-imposed, regrettably so, 30 consecutive days of yoga challenge) so I thought about making chocolate dipped coconut macaroons but I made some last year and they didn't come out so well so I looked for another recipe.

I found these black-bottom coconut bars on Martha Stewart...yums!  As with all of my baking adventures you were happy to help me out.  Incidentally, I don't bake as much here in Colorado because of the high altitude but I was talking to another mommie who recently moved from the East Coast...Washington DC to be exact, in my Lose your Mommie Pooch class I went to last week and she said she couldn't bake here either until she got a KitchenAid mixer and then everything came out okay.  I told her we sold ours before we moved to Boulder and she gasped.  Ahhh!!  I miss you my little orange mixer!!

Also, incidentally, at my lose your mommie pooch class, the room was full of mommies with flat tummies.  I know clothes and spanx can hide pooches but I saw all the mommie tummies since we had to be assessed by the physical therapist at the beginning of the class in front of everyone and had to lift our shirts up while the PT measured and prodded and poked.  In front of everyone.  I almost ran out.  The PT said my core muscle mass was really low. :/  It makes me wonder if the other mommies had concave bellies before getting preggers and are now concerned because they only having flat tummies. 

Anyhoo, back to the bars, which I'm sure don't help the mama pooch situation, you helped me out and they came out aokay!  It was so hard for you not to eat the batter but I took food preparation class in 7th grade and got it drilled into me that raw eggs can carry salmonella and CAN KILL YOU so no licking for you, mister.  You can blame Ms. Barnett for that one little one.  Thanks for your help my little sous chef.

I even got you to wear a shirt!

Buttering the pan, you took this really seriously.

Starting to put our ingredients in

Whisk whisk whisk.  You'll notice that stool that Daddy got so you could help me use it mostly to sneakingly get food you're not supposed to from the freezer or cupboards while I'm taking a shower.

Whisking the flour into the chocolate

Spreading the took this seriously as well.

We had to have the chocolate layer bake for 10 minutes and then we added the coconut topping

You didn't take this very seriously because Shrek the Halls came on the TV

Ready to bake!

Finished product.  We had to let it cool down which involved you asking me every 5.7 seconds if we could eat them yet.

Grabbing your piece