Friday, November 6, 2009

2 years: Video

I've been trying to take more video of you little O. You're talking a lot these days and being a cute little monkey. These are totally random...

I was at the mall the other day and passed by the Disney Store where they had some of the cars from the Cars movie on sale. Since you're a little obsessed with Cars at the moment I thought you'd like them a lot. Daddy picked up up from school that day and told you that Mommie got you a present. Naturally you thought it must be your birthday so you came home saying, "Happy Birthday!! Present!! Happy Birthday!!" So cute little O. Anyhoo, you were very excited to open your present. I also like how OCD you are and line up your cars up all perfectly.

The other night you were having a hard time going to sleep so this is you up and eating at 10pm. Crazy!! You were a little out of it and kept thinking everything was funny. You also called my shadow big and scary.