Monday, November 23, 2009

2 years: Happenings

Hi sweetie pie :)

I can't believe you're 2 1/2. Tonight we were at the bookstore and you were playing with the trains with another baby. You were really nice and sharing with him so Daddy asked how old the baby was and the Daddy said 19 months and he asked how old you were and Daddy said 2 1/2. I thought to myself, is that right? He's 2 1/2? But yes, yes you are! Crazyness.

Anyhoo, life has been a lot of fun lately because Daddy is on vacation! We've been able to spend a lot more time with him even though he's still studying lots of hours but it's less than he does when he has classes. Yay! Last night we walked over to Pearl Street to see the lights on the trees and then went to the Boulder Bookstore this really great independent 3 floor bookstore downtown and Daddy read you a bunch of books.

The day before was Family Housing's Thanksgiving Dinner but before there was a little Turkey Trot for the kiddies. You were in the 3 and under group and you ran ran fast! I wonder if you're going to be a runner. Speaking of running, I'm on orders from the doctor not to run as I've got tendonitis in my right knee. A few months ago I accidentally ran for 7 miles and I think I messed up my knee on the many many hills I ran that day. I hope it goes away soon. Anyhoo, after the turkey trot we headed over for dinner. It was packed so we had to wait in line for a bit and then had turkey and mashed potatoes and pumpkin pie. Very yummie but you didn't eat much. After that we saw that one of the campus buses was outside of the dinner so Daddy asked if we could hop on. We weren't supposed to because it's for the students that live in the dorm but the driver said it was okay so we got on and you were so excited. You were smiling and laughing and saying that the bus was going really fast. We got back to the building and then walked over to the toystore where you played a bunch.

Today you got a stamp on your arm at school because you used the potty and stayed dry all day. I'm not pushing the potty training thing because I don't think you're ready but maybe you are? "Who knows...who knows...the owl....the pigs...the owl...the pigs."

I love you sweetie!
