Saturday, November 14, 2009

2 years: Jungle Book

You got sick yesterday and it's snowing outside so you're sitting in the living room with Daddy watching the Jungle Book. We rented it from the Family Housing office and this is your first time watching it. You seem to really like it. It must be all the animals. You really like animals these days. Daddy was going to go to the supermarket but you wouldn't let him leave the house. You like spending lots of time with him.

Last night you had a hard time sleeping because you were coughing all night. Well, coughing and nursing all night. Poor little snookie. You ended up throwing up phlegm this morning twice. Oh my sweetie pie it's so hard seeing you sick. I hope you get better soon. You got a stamp the other day at school for using the potty. We picked you up early yesterday from school and got to see you on your little bed sleeping. It was so cute. They take your shoes and socks off so you can get all cozy and then wrap you up in your blanket. Anyhoo, we booked our flights so can visit your extended family for Christmas. Papa Cesar and Lela Carmen were kind enough to fund the trip so we don't have to spend Christmas here in Boulder alone. Thank you Papa Cesar and Lela Carmen! I'm really looking forward to it. Hope you get well sweetie pie. We love you!