Wednesday, September 9, 2009

2 years: Settling in...

Hi sweetie pie :)

We're finally starting to settle in and Boulder is now feeling like our cozy little home. I dropped you off at day care this morning and you said "Bye bye Mommie! Play with the dragon!!" and left me to play with your little dragon and dinosaur friends. You love it there and are always making the teachers play music and sing to you apparently. Crazy little O.

Lela Carmen came for a quick visit this weekend all the way from Connecticut. You were excited to go pick her up at the airport but kept saying Papa Cesar! because I guess you're used to seeing them as a pair but maybe Papa Cesar will come visit us soon too. Lela got to do a bunch of things. When she first got here we went to the Denver Zoo where we got to see a bunch of animals which you were excited about "more animals!" and then we rode a train. The next day Lela biked down to Pearl Street and Central Park where we got into the creek for a little bit. It was freezing but you still got in waist deep like you do. Lela hung out for a bunch downtown but we had to get back since you needed your nap. Sadly Daddy and I both picked up a stomach bug and you were not doing well either and then Lela Carmen got sick so we didn't get to do as much as we probably would time! I think she really liked it though. Thanks to Lela for coming to visit us!

I rode with Daddy to school today and man, there's this hill to get to trail to his school which is so hard!! I almost made it up with my bike but I just couldn't do it. Daddy made it up though...good job Daddy! Daddy is super busy. He goes to school Monday-Friday and after class he studies a lot and also spends a bunch of time with us. 3 years seems like really far away but in some ways this schedule is nice because Daddy has some down time during the day and in some ways it's relaxing. On Fridays Daddy gets out at noon and then we go out on a little date. That will end soon when Mama starts working again but for now it's super nice. On our last date we hiked up Mount was so nice up there...we could see all of Boulder!

With Lela Carmen visiting this weekend and showing her around it reminded me of how much I love Boulder and how happy I am that we decided on this little town. I don't know where we'll end up after Daddy is done with school but if it's not Boulder we'll have to come back to visit a lot. I love you sweetie!
