Friday, September 25, 2009

2 years: chatter box

Hi little man,

It's almost October, and while it's been a difficult month for all of us (you, mommy, and I), I have to admit it hasn't been as bad as I thought it might be. You've been adjusting real well with daycare, sadly as we are about to move you to another daycare, but I know you'll be ok there too. And besides, it'll be nice to hear you speaking some Spanish in the near future!

Speaking of talking, you've been chatting away so much lately. It's really nice to hear you talk so much, although that "who's that" line does get old sometimes, but got to love how you want to learn so much, keep it up!

The weather finally got chilly here and we are lucky the heat was turned on after just a couple nights of cold, and it's supposed to get warm again next week. I'm looking forward to the Christmas break so you can see Tio Toti, Grandma and of course Ryan, since every time Tio Toti comes up in conversation you ask about him too! I've gotten your mother to see movies with me the last couple Fridays and it's been a lot of fun, you know how much I love movies! I think you'll probably like movies too, as you seem to like everything I do, including cookies!

Oh and you're getting tall too. Not gaining much weight, right now you weigh 30 lbs, but you are getting taller and eating sporadically, "I'm hungry" has become part of your vocab and while some times you won't eat anything, you've been known to go on rampages, particularly at night and eat every and anything we give you. Love you little man.
