Friday, September 25, 2009

2 years: Rainbow

Last night we all went for a walk after having dinner. As we passed through our parking lot we saw a beautiful double rainbow...before Daddy & I said anything you pointed up in the sky and said "rainbow!" Oh my little're too cute.

This morning Daddy got up super early to make it over the law school to study. When you woke up you looked around and didn't see Daddy so you said "Daddy in school!" and I said yep, and you're about to go to school too. We took a quick shower and got ready and then walked over. I was rushing you a bit because you were going to miss breakfast. I felt bad because we walk through the Naropa University campus on our way to school. It's a really pretty campus and you like to look at the rocks and they have a little stream you like to look at as well but we were walking fast so you couldn't stop to look at it as much but we'll take extra time on our walk back today. We made it to school in time for breakfast and you sat down with your friends Beam, Alex, & Trey to have breakfast. They had blueberry waffles and cantaloupe. You ate 3 waffles and then I said bye bye. You give me a hug and kiss and then I walk around your school to say bye to you in the window. I miss you my little snookie but I know you're having a good time in school. You're actually running around outside right now...your favorite thing to do. I love you sweetie!