Tuesday, September 29, 2009

2 years: Park with Daddy

Running down the hill at your favorite park:

2 years: Picture Post

What you've been up to...

The pretty carrots at the farmer's market

You heard music playing in the park next to the market and wanted to go see what was up

I know it doesn't look like you were enjoying it but you were...every time they'd finish a song you'd say "one more! one more!"

Singing a Zimbabwean song

Running around the house in your diaper

Ahhh!! Daddy brought his hat

Two peas in a pod

Crazy O

Big slice of pizza, eh?

You're always stealing my sunglasses

At your favorite park

Making Mommie go down the slide with you

You like running up and down this hill

The view of the Flatirons from the park

Friday, September 25, 2009

2 years: chatter box

Hi little man,

It's almost October, and while it's been a difficult month for all of us (you, mommy, and I), I have to admit it hasn't been as bad as I thought it might be. You've been adjusting real well with daycare, sadly as we are about to move you to another daycare, but I know you'll be ok there too. And besides, it'll be nice to hear you speaking some Spanish in the near future!

Speaking of talking, you've been chatting away so much lately. It's really nice to hear you talk so much, although that "who's that" line does get old sometimes, but got to love how you want to learn so much, keep it up!

The weather finally got chilly here and we are lucky the heat was turned on after just a couple nights of cold, and it's supposed to get warm again next week. I'm looking forward to the Christmas break so you can see Tio Toti, Grandma and of course Ryan, since every time Tio Toti comes up in conversation you ask about him too! I've gotten your mother to see movies with me the last couple Fridays and it's been a lot of fun, you know how much I love movies! I think you'll probably like movies too, as you seem to like everything I do, including cookies!

Oh and you're getting tall too. Not gaining much weight, right now you weigh 30 lbs, but you are getting taller and eating sporadically, "I'm hungry" has become part of your vocab and while some times you won't eat anything, you've been known to go on rampages, particularly at night and eat every and anything we give you. Love you little man.


2 years: Rainbow

Last night we all went for a walk after having dinner. As we passed through our parking lot we saw a beautiful double rainbow...before Daddy & I said anything you pointed up in the sky and said "rainbow!" Oh my little snookie...you're too cute.

This morning Daddy got up super early to make it over the law school to study. When you woke up you looked around and didn't see Daddy so you said "Daddy in school!" and I said yep, and you're about to go to school too. We took a quick shower and got ready and then walked over. I was rushing you a bit because you were going to miss breakfast. I felt bad because we walk through the Naropa University campus on our way to school. It's a really pretty campus and you like to look at the rocks and they have a little stream you like to look at as well but we were walking fast so you couldn't stop to look at it as much but we'll take extra time on our walk back today. We made it to school in time for breakfast and you sat down with your friends Beam, Alex, & Trey to have breakfast. They had blueberry waffles and cantaloupe. You ate 3 waffles and then I said bye bye. You give me a hug and kiss and then I walk around your school to say bye to you in the window. I miss you my little snookie but I know you're having a good time in school. You're actually running around outside right now...your favorite thing to do. I love you sweetie!

Friday, September 18, 2009

2 years: Movie night

Tonight is movie night! We went to the local video store (amazing, btw!) and you got to pick a movie and Mommie & Daddy picked a movie. You picked a new Thomas the Train movie (surprise, surprise) and we picked Wendy & Lucy. I love it! Almost time for bed for you sweetie pie...we have lots to do tomorrow.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

2 years: Daddy

Hi sweetie pie,

Your Daddy & I are downstairs right now...it's almost 1am. Daddy is finishing up his readings for tomorrow. He's such a hard worker, little O. I hope you work hard when you grow up. I think Daddy is done now so we're going to join you upstairs my little munchkin. I love you!


Tuesday, September 15, 2009

2 years: Thomas the Train

We took you to see Thomas the Train on Sunday morning. I kept telling you we had a surprise and you'd either say "presents! Happy!!" meaning, I think, that you were having a party and getting presents or you'd say "animals! animals" meaning, I think, that you thought we were taking you to the zoo.

I thought that when you saw Thomas you'd freak out but when we got to the railroad museum I said "Who is that?" and you matter of factly said, "Thomas" and weren't even excited almost like you get to see a real Thomas the train everyday. Ahhh!! You're too funny, litte O.

Anyhoo, you still had a good time. The place was packed with kids...it was crazy! Kids everywhere...all obsessed with Thomas. We got there early so we got to hang out a bit before our 20 minute train ride. I think your favorite part was the petting zoo and playing with all the train sets. Here are some photos from the day...

We had to get on a bus to take us from the parking to the Railroad Museum

See Thomas? Not too exciting

His little eyes moved...so cute!

Maybe you were confused?

Looking at the other trains while we waited for our 12:15 Thomas the Train departure

So pretty!

There's Thomas going around the museum

You really liked seeing all these trains

Getting a Thomas temporary tattoo

Thomas made out of Legos!

On our train ride

"No pictures! No pictures!"

Sir Topham Hatt...homeboy was swarmed by little kiddos

Pretty trains

Ringing the bell

There were about 10 train sets...you were in heaven

So serious

You also liked the petting zoo...animals!

You tried feeding every little animal