Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Week 40: Picture Post

Trying to change you in the library's bathroom...you weren't having it

You wanted to eat all the paper towels

It took 15 minutes

Trying out exersaucers at BabiesRUs. Sadly this one only goes up to 25 pounds so no exersaucer for you.

Same with this jumperoo. Sorry sweetie

My little red baby

Eating rice cakes

Tastes like cardboard, right?

We had brunch at the Cheesecake Factory and they brought a little plate just for you

Daddy ate most of your bread

Daddy took me out to the Pond House for Valentine's Day. Yummie!

Very yummie!

Your parentals rushing home to be with you. Thank you to Papa Cesar and Lela Carmen for taking care of you

Valentine's Day was also your 9 month cumplemes so Papa Cesar got you this cake. Happy cumplemes, O!