Thursday, February 14, 2008

Week 39: Finger painting

Yesterday I got the bright idea that we should finger paint Daddy's wrapping paper for his Valentine's Day gifts. No one told me how crazy finger painting is with an 8 month old. You had fun though.

First we laid newspaper everywhere

You wanted to eat it of course

So I had to give you paper bags so you wouldn't eat the newspaper

Eating a paper bag is better than eating newspaper right?

I thought about sending this photo to your Daddy at work and saying..."Oh my God, I don't know what happened!"

Luckily I thought about it for a moment and decided not to send it...wouldn't want to ruin the surprise

You liked purple the best

Trying to escape

As soon as we were done I stuck you in the bath and prayed that the washable paint would indeed wash off

Luckily it did