Friday, February 1, 2008

Week 37: Current Events...and thoughts.

So times is just flying this year. Can you imagine it's February 2008? You should see how big you are now, oh and you still are getting cute if I may say so. You've been trying to crawl and making great strides in that area (no pun intended) and sadly you're not so little chin has a little rash from your constant drool. We would have taken you to see your doctor but you don't have one yet! We've interviewed a couple and as the saying goes, sometimes you don't know what you have until it's gone, that's how your Mommy and I feel about your last doctor. But we might actually take you bake "home" to Northampton to see him because thankfully he takes our insurance and until we find someone you need to see someone soon.

In other news my Pa had major surgery a few days ago and I'm happy to report he's doing well thus far. It's hard not seeing my family that much and I know they miss seeing you tons but the to do the 2 hour commute back and forth in just a few days over the weekend can wear on you and it's not good to get the week started off already tired if you know what I mean.

Have I mentioned how much I miss you and your Mommy during the day when I'm away from the two of you? Your Mommy calls and I call her and many times hear or speak to you but it's not the same as seeing the two of you. Talking about seeing the two of you, you should see how cute the two of you look in bed when I leave to work everyday!

Things have been good around the Rincon house, our new home. We've still got a ton of things laying around that I'm hoping to address this weekend so people could actually use the dining room to do something other than store boxes, imagine that! Everybody has been so nice to us. Just a few days ago your Abuelito Cesar bought you this real nice highchair to replace the one you were dangerously outgrowing at a rapid rate. You seem to like it and it's 300% safer than the one you were using before.

I was thinking last night about how I met your Mommy and how in such a short period of time so much has transpired, and all for the good. Besides the obvious of your Mommy and I falling in love, and you joining the party, I've been blessed to be taken in by your Mommy's family and treated like their own son, I've got a great job, and your Mommy has been able to stay at home and take care of you, something that makes me real happy because I know no one cares about you as much as I as your Mommy does!

Before I leave I wanted to fill you in on the innerworkings of my head right now, and what this means is what I've been thinking about, for you to get an idea of what your father was thinking about when you weren't even a year old and I was still in my twenties. Here is a list of recent repeated thoughts, in no particular order.

1. taking a vacation with your Mommy and you (anywhere, please)
2. your Mommy's happiness (does she miss work and feel overwhelmed?)
3. losing weight (I've packed it on in the last year and need to drop 20+ lbs)
4. applying to UConn Law (loved law school and think I can manage going part time)
5. are the Patriots going to go undefeated and win the superbowl this weekend? (yes)
6. my father's health (is he going to be around to see your children, I hope so)
7. my health (do I want to prevent following in my father's footsteps)
8. seeing my family more (could people come see us?)
9. my new little nephew (haven't seen much of the little guy that is getting big!)
10. have to fill this line because like have 10 thoughts not 9 =]

Well take care and chat with you later O. Love you.
