Wednesday, March 30, 2011

3 years: What we're up to

Mommie has a bit of an obsession with a frozen yogurt place called Ripple.  I want to go every day!

You get chocolate frozen yogurt with marshmallows and mini Reese's Pieces


They finally had this at the library...I've had a hold request on it for months!  It was muy interesting, I'm going to start implementing some of these techniques, watch out.

Mommie has been going back to eating vegetarian/vegan as of late.  Mommie was a vegetarian until a month before I got preggers with you and now it's time to go back!

I wanted to make these little babies

Process le chickpeas and green onions

Add the other ingredients and form little patties

These were so yummie!  You weren't a fan though, we'll have to try something else.