Tuesday, March 1, 2011

3 years: Weekend in Denver 4

When we headed back to the hotel, there was a cookie reception! 

Yummies, we grabbed some and headed upstairs because...

I had a very spacial date with a very amazing bathtub.  I turned the water on really really hot, put some bubbles in, got some reading material and I was ready to go.  I was in there for 5 seconds when a certain 3 1/2 year old climbed in, started splashing me and said "I went pee pee in the bathtub!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!"  Nice, very nice.

There were apartments in the building right next to us, so Daddy & I were people watching all night

Hello, people!

Getting ready to go down for yummie breakfast!

After breakfast, hanging out in the little alcoves